Friday, April 22, 2011

Eat What? : SCRAPPLE

The horror stories of SPAM can not compare to those of scrapple. Apparently this loaf of mush is made up of a variety of pig parts, "everything but the oink" locals say. This tasty block of delight is most commonly served for breakfast in many Pennsylvania Dutch homes. The pig's heart, liver, head, and many other scraps are made into a broth (often bones are still attached at this point). After the creation is well cooked, bones and fat are taken out of the mix and different seasonings are added. The blob of pig is then pressed into loaves and left to set. Personally, the idea of scrapple terrifies me. I would hope to never be forced to eat such a mysterious combination of pig parts. My heart goes out to all those children in Pennsylvania forced to eat this every morning before school.
-Ice Dancer


  1. gross...but I guess it may not be so gross to them since in a way, it's part of their culture, or something along those lines.

  2. Looks like ham but it's not pink. sounds kind of cruel to make children eat that every morning.


  3. Sounds delicious! Not really. How could anyone eat that?


  4. WOAH WOAH WOAH. HOLD UP. horror stories of SPAM? :O whut. spam is delicious. And the entire pig is edible. If you were a caveman, you wouldn't be complainin about it. D:<

  5. Ew. The only thing that could make that even LESS appetizing is the name. Scrapple. Blergh.
