Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do What? : How To Take a Bullet

Next level safety apparatus.
If you ever find yourself in a sticky situation whilst traveling, you should know how to take a bullet. The eerie stand off in the abandoned courtyard may be your last as an international spy or an innocent tourist if you don't have this need-to-know skill.
Despite what you may see in movies, catching a bullet is impossible. A bullet travels at about 1400 mph, making the first person makes a catch a very popular fellow. A simple solution is to don a bulletproof vest before leaving your lavish apartment. A bulletproof vest, typically made of laminated or woven fibers will be adequate for stopping most handgun rounds and grenade shrapnel, so it will be fine for the urban mobsters. If you are a wanted man and you're feeling lucky in running from the military, a vest with ceramic plates will be recommended, able to stop most rifle rounds. If you choose this approach, a good cardio program will be necessary due to the 30 pound bulk you have just decided to put on.
For all of your foreign travel needs, a bulletproof vest should come in handy in both showing people not to mess with you and stopping those who try.


  1. LOL!!! i love this. im sure it'll come in handy one day

  2. Thanks man. If I ever go anywhere, I'll be sure to take my bullet proof vest. Safety first!

    Kathy H.

  3. "A bullet travels at about 1400 mph, making the first person makes a catch a very popular fellow." I just quoted you.

  4. Very handy travel advice--wear a bullet-proof vest. I will keep this in mind next time I decide to visit Pakistan.


  5. Your post is interesting, but I'm concerned about your picture. It seems to depict that the person in body armor has just killed the two people laying on the ground...

    Though, next time I leave home I'll make sure to bring my bullet proof vest as you never know what might happen nowadays. That grandma on the street probably planning to mug you with her hidden rpg.

    daniel c

  6. Hmmm...interesting point about the picture; however, how do you know they aren't just planning drop shot the guy with the armor? Pretty cool article, and that armor completely blends in with the environment, so you could continue your tourism without being noticed at all.

    -Los Spurs
